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Optometrist in Bowmanville providing eye exams in Bowmanville
Children's Eye Exams
Children need special consideration for their eye exams. 80% of learning is visual, so it is important for children to have yearly eye exams once they start school. Children cannot reliably report poor vision until they are about 9 years old, and vision screenings do not always catch any problems in the eyes - they are NOT a substitute for a comprehensive eye exam.
The Canadian Association of Optometrists (CAO) recommends
a child's first eye examination at 6 months, and then annually
starting at 3 years of age. If there are anyconcerns about your
child's vision, do not hesitate to schedule an appointment for
him/her at any age.

Children under 20 and Adults over 65 covered once a year

All Diabetics- covered once a year

People with following conditions: Cataracts, Strabismus, Amblyopia, Diabetes, Glaucoma, Retinal detachment.